Monday, January 30, 2006

The Open Ocean

I will be embarking on a new sailing trip in a few weeks. A week long trip from Ft Lauderdale to the Dry Tortugas and back. The thing I am looking forward to the most is a day or two of nothing but open ocean. There is a great solice and peace can be found sitting on a deck looking out in all directions and seeing nothing but blue water. You feel so small yet so important and alive and free. It is like all your troubles are gone and you are at one with God and the world around you.

I would recommed trying it sometime.

Sunday, January 15, 2006

The Jedi Ten Commandments

1) Thou shalt beware of the dark side
2) Thou shalt not kiss your sister
3) Thou shalt not kill where chopping off a hand would achieve the same goal
4) Thou shalt not give in to hate
5) Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor’s lightsaber
6) Thou shalt honor thy father and thy mother, unless your father turns out to be an evil dark lord
7) Thou shalt stay on target
8)Thou shalt not use a targeting computer
9) Thou shalt let the wookie win
10) Thou shalt use the force for defense and knowledge and never for attack